Definition of Machine pistol

1. Noun. A fully automatic pistol; a small submachine gun.

Exact synonyms: Burp Gun
Generic synonyms: Submachine Gun

Definition of Machine pistol

1. Noun. A lightweight submachine gun, capable of being fired with one hand ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Machine Pistol

machine bolt
machine code
machine gun
machine gunner
machine guns
machine independent
machine instruction
machine instructions
machine language
machine languages
machine learning
machine of government
machine operation
machine pistol
machine pistols
machine politician
machine readable
machine readable dictionary
machine rifle
machine room
machine rooms
machine screw
machine screws
machine shop
machine shops
machine stitch
machine tool
machine tools

Literary usage of Machine pistol

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Small Unit Actions in World War II in France, Italy and Spain by DIANE Publishing Company (1997)
"They had advanced only 15 yards when a machine gun or machine pistol—it ... After a silence, the German discharged a machine pistol straight up in the air. ..."

2. Front Lines by Boyd Cable (1918)
"... artillery probably, Archies included, if they'd been asked, and given every man a machine- gun on his shoulder and a machine-pistol in his hip-pocket. ..."

3. Small Arms, Big Impact: The Next Challenge of Disarmament by Michael Renner (1998)
"... and the Israeli Uzi machine pistol (10 million). In addition to licensed production of these and other small weapons, several countries are apparently ..."

4. Three Plays for Puritans by Bernard Shaw (1906)
"The most dangerous chieftain in these parts, the Sheikh Sidi el Assif, has a new American machine pistol which fires ten bullets without loadin; ..."

5. Do the Right Thing: The People's Economist Speaks by Walter Edward Williams (1995)
"... machine pistol-toting BATF agents and Nazi SS agents who, fifty years earlier, similarly dressed and equipped, attacked the Jewish compound in Warsaw, ..."

6. The Educational Value of Certain After-school Materials and Activities in by Morris Meister (1921)
"... Moving Picture Machine Battleship Blinker Automobile (winding) Tank Aeroplane Recko Tool Chest Lathe Shocking machine pistol Transformer Rifle Submarine ..."

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